Quan Ba population of Tonkin Snub-nosed Monkey (TSM) is the second largest population of this IUCN critically endangered species. However, the population is currently facing high pressure of hunting and forest degradation. Recognizing the conservation education as very important tool to change attitude of local villagers from hunting to conservation of TSM, in July 2020, CeREC in collaboration with Quan Ba Forest Protection Department has established the Tung Vai TSM Conservation Club and opened the Tung Vai Conservation Canteen with aim to significantly increase support of local communities to conservation of Quan Ba TSM population. The activity is funded by Ostrava Zoo (Czech Republic) and the Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund. Bellow are some pictures of this activity. 

Picture 1. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Dang is giving his greeting speech on the Tung Vai Conservation Canteen Opening Ceremony

Picture 2. Members of TSM Conservation Club are interested on the TSM conservation posters at the Canteen

Picture 3.Many local villagers visit the Conservation Canteen and are very interested on the TSM conservation posters and meassage (Yellow lady - a H'Mong ethnic lady visiting the canteen)